Shooting Fireworks

I found this article on PC World on how to shoot fireworks.

You can shoot fireworks with any type of camera, whether it's a point and shoot or a DSLR. As long as you have some form of manual control, you can use it.

To summarize the article, what you need to do is the following:

1. Stabilize your camera
You need to have a tripod or bean bag or something to put your camera on. Don't hold your camera as you need long exposures and your hand will shake and blur your images.

2. Don't use your hands
Basically, pressing the shutter with your fingers already introduces shake on the camera. With such long exposure, any minor shake is visible. So either use a shutter remote or use the self-timer on your camera. Set it to 2 second delay.

3. Automate it
If you have fireworks mode on your camera, use it.

4. Manual mode
If you don't have fireworks mode, set your camera to low ISO like 80 or 100. This way, there won't be too much noise on your photo.

Set the focus to infinity or landscape.

Set the aperture to f/8.0 or higher so there won't be any flares from other light source.

Slow down your shutter, start from 1 second and go slower to get the effects you like.

5. Use your zoom
You should zoom in or out to see what works best. Sometimes a wide angle shot with the surrounding landscape looks better than taking photos of just the fireworks.

Here is the link to the full article with photos.
