Parts of a camera - the lens

This is the third part of my post on the parts of the camera. Today, I'm going to be talking about the lens.

I have a Nikon 55mm Nikkor lens. The nice thing about this lens is it's completely manual. There is no autofocus and there is no electronics parts. That means, I can physically show you the parts of the lens which is nearly impossible with new electronic lenses.

This is the lens.

The rubber ring above the numbers is the focusing ring. The silver ring below the numbers is the aperture control ring.

This is what the lens looks like through the glass.

The black ring you see inside the ring is the aperture. In this lens, the aperture control is actually on the lens itself so I can manually set the aperture size.

The dot tells you which aperture is being used. In this case, it's f/2.8 of the widest aperture this lens can handle. Some lenses can go as high as f/1.4. To see how aperture affects your photo, check out my previous post about aperture.

This is how the aperture looks like through the lens.

As you can see, it is completely wide open and you can't even see the aperture.

I'll post samples of all the aperture settings and what it looks like on my next post.
