Olivia Munn Photoshoot

Here is a video of Olivia Munn's Halloween Complex Magazine Photoshoot. If you don't know Olivia Munn, she's one of the host of G4TV's Attack of the Show. Olivia Munn is one hot woman. If you don't believe me, look at some of her Cosplay photos.
The first two photos were from the Complex photoshoot, the third I just put there because Olivia Munn looks hot in a Princess Leia costume.

Anyway, back to the photoshoot. Here's the video.

Did you see what kind of camera they used for the photoshoot? Did I mention Olivia Munn is hot?

If you weren't too distracted by Olivia Munn, you would have probably noticed that the camera they're using is a point and shoot camera. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from the looks of it, it looks like a Canon G9.

So what does Olivia Munn have to do with a blog about photography? Nothing, except she photographs very nicely and in her photoshoot, they used a point and shoot camera. Which just goes to show that any camera can be used for whatever purpose you want. That you don't necessarily need to have an expensive camera to take great photos.

A beautiful model helps more in having a great photoshoot than a beautiful camera.

Keep shooting!
