Tilt Shift

Ever heard of tilt shift? It's a special kind of lens used in SLR cameras that fixes the convergence of lines to the vanishing point. You know how when you take a picture of a tall building, the top floors appear to converge and get thinner? Tilt-shift lenses fixes that and keeps them looking parallel.

Another thing that tilt-shift lenses does is that it can make some photos look like miniatures.

Here is a sample of some photos I took.

Normal photo

Tilt-shift photo

Normal photo

Tilt-shift photo

The nice thing about these photos is, I don't even have a tilt-shift lens or an SLR camera. There's a website where it can make your photos look like it was taken with a tilt-shift lens.

Check out tiltshiftmaker.com

There's even a Flickr Group for photos converted with tiltshiftmaker.com.

Try it out!
