Photography quotes

Here are a couple of quotes about photography to inspire you.

Light is the photographic medium par excellence; it is to the photographer what words are tot eh writer; color and paint to the painter; wood, metal, stone, or clay to the sculptor.
- Andreas Feininger

The difference in 'seeing' between the eye and the lens should make it obvious that a photographer who merely points his camera at an appealing subject and expects to get an appealing picture in return, may be headed for disappointment.
- Andreas Feininger

I can look at a fine photograph and sometimes I can hear music.
- Ansel Adams

Writers of light do it as well; they transform shape, line, color, pattern--passionless components--into photographs that grab, delight, revulse, or inspire. Their work bestows life.
- Author unknown

Photography is a human act and therefore subjective, a selective act and therefore interpretive. This makes it possible for photography to be an art, for photographers to achieve a personal style--and for the camera to lie.
- Arthur Goldsmith

The camera is my tool. Through it I give reason to everything around me.
- Andre Kertesz

...nature has ceased to be what it always had been--what people needed protection from. Now nature--tamed, endangered, mortal--needs to be protected from people. When we are afraid, we shoot. But when we are nostalgic, we take pictures.
- Susan Sontag

My photographs at best hold only a small strength, but through them I would suggest and criticize and illuminate and try to give compassionate understanding.
- W. Eugene Smith

The painter constructs, the photographer discloses.
- Susan Sontag

I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed.
- Garry Winogrand

The camera is a fluid way of encountering that other reality.
- Jerry N. Uelsmann

I have travelled widely i Concord.
- Henry David Thoreau
